Exclusive Adventures Alaskan Caribou Hunt Alaska even in the 21st century is still a very big and very wild piece of North America. There still are many places where you can find yourself wondering if you are the first human to ever be there.
Exclusive Adventures has a special connection to Alaska as Mark Young our main salesperson lived in the bush community of Dillingham for 22 years and hunted and fished all over the state during that time. His firsthand experience will greatly enhance the planning process for any Alaskan adventure.
In Southwest AK we offer brown bear from a tented camp in the Togiak Wildlife Refuge. The bear densities are incredible here witnessed by the bag limit being increased from 1 bear every 4 years to 2 bears each year. Seeing 10-20 plus bears in a day is the norm. On a ten day hunt one should expect to harvest a mature bear of 8’-9’ with larger definitely possible. We also offer brown bear and black bear in Southeast AK with an operator we consider to be the very best in the region. The hunt is conducted from an 83’ deluxe yacht with all the comforts of home. There are many bears of both species in the region. Brown bear success is 80%-90% year in and year out. On bears squaring 8’-9’. Black bear success is near 100% with bears averaging 7’.
This particularly in the spring is a gentleman’s hunt. You will cruise the shore of islands and protected bays of the Inside Passage looking over many bears until you find a big boy. You’ll then beach the boat and make a stalk that often in total walking only amounts to a few hundred yards.
This operator also offers a unique mountain goat hunt. The 83’ boat is the base camp and you hunt the fjords in outboard powered smaller boats. There is basically no climbing involved. You hunt in November when the snow has driven the goats down off the high peaks and closer to the water. The shots can be at a difficult angle but everybody has one or more opportunities to take a goat.
In Prince William Sound we have probably the best mountain goat hunt in Alaska with trophies of 9”-10” the norm. If you can climb one time up and back you’ll get your goat if you shoot well.
This hunt is boat based from a 54’ yacht and the actual hunt is conducted from smaller outboard boats. When a good Billy is spotted you then will climb for that particular goat. There is no climbing just to look around. This method works very well and has produced a goat for everyone that would attempt the climb. This same operator has exclusive hunting rights to two large private islands in the Sound and is producing some excellent brown bears. They have been 100% on shooting opportunity on big bears for the last 10 years and my two hunters on this hunt in May ’15 both shot “Slob” bears in the 10’ range. This also can be a boat based hunt offering comfort, physical ease and excellent hunting.
Our Wrangell Mountains operator offers the best of the classic horseback full bag Alaska hunt with excellent trophy quality. Here you can hunt big moose, trophy Dall sheep, interior grizzly, black bear, wolf and mountain goat all in the same hunt or choose a combination or single species hunt as you see fit. This hunt is extremely remote and you will see no other hunters on this wilderness adventure. A fair physical condition will help a great deal on this one as particularly the sheep can be challenging.
Another of our good operators for moose is in the Alaska Range south of Fairbanks. Moose densities are high in the area and with a normal weather pattern a hunter should be able to look over several good bulls in the mid 50”- low 60” range. The hunting here can be physically quite easy as most of the country can be covered by ATV cutting the long walks and meat packing necessary after you take your moose to almost nil. Hunts are conducted in the month of September during the rut and the moose will often respond to a call offering a very exciting up close and personal experience.
Come and experience the vastness of Alaska on your next Exclusive Adventure.